Well folks,
Another banner day for our chapter at the Jr. Pheasant hunt. Thanks to Uncle Ed’s and the hard work of our volunteers we sold out of our day 2 drawing for the 10/22 rifle by 7:30 AM. So…….we put up the 3rd 10/22 riffle for a drawing and sold out before lunch! This Allowed our Chapter and Uncle Ed’s Outfitters to present Felicia and Mark Morrision (Lazy Arrow Adventures) With a Donation Of $900. They were surprised and very grateful. The balance of $600 dollars was given to Jacob Zalusky to cover the cost of the 2 Rifles. This was accomplished at no cost to the chapter. Next up the Women’s Pheasant Hunt Feb. 18th. I’ll follow up on obtaining the shotguns from Rooster’s Firearms this week for that Event.
Thanks All!
Tom Nisbet
Chairman SLO County Gun Owners
CRPA Chapter