5 Reasons to own an AR15

Sometimes we all get asked why we need an AR15. Most of the folks asking this question are good folks but just want to be educated. Ok, then these are the best answers, thanks Colin Noir.

1-Defend against a home invasion with multiple suspects. Yes, a pistol might work but an AR is more accurate, easier to shoot, and carries more rounds. Rember the Butch Casady and the Sundance Kid and the fight with the bit guy, Who would bring a knife to a gunfight.

2-You need one during civil unrest as the police are busy and not available. When civil unrest occurs people get into a Mob Mentality and would do things they would normally never do. The mod will come and be destructive.

3- Protect your property and family during a natural disaster. Remember you are on your own when the world falls apart. People will want you have in order to survive. If you live in a rural area you must be prepared for the animals as they are also looking for food and other things. a pistol might not be enough.

4-Remember bad guys have semi-automatic firearms, why shouldn’t you? An Ar is a great equalizer.

5-Do not trust the government to help you out at any time.

When rioting occurs remember these have been exposed to prolonged poverty and social economic issues that make them think that it is ok to steal and loot.


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